
Ultra-bright multicoloured UV-Luminspheres™ enable sensitive detection of multiple biological targets simultaneously.
UV-Luminspheres™ being orders of magnitude brighter than molecular fluorophores and multicolours fluorescing simultaneously, permits ultra-sensitive and concurrent detection of multiple biological targets in a single sample stained with a cocktail of multicoloured UV-Luminspheres™

Exceptionally bright Reporter-Luminspheres™ sensitive CRISPR based detection for rapid point of care genomic testing.
Reporter-Luminspheres™ fluoresce green in the prescence of target RNA that can be detected quantitatively in a laboratory setting or at point of care by lateral flow.

​Luminspheres Kits
Luminspheres™ bioconjugation kits empower scientists to investigate biological systems of interest by lateral-flow, western-blot, flow-cytometry, fuorescence-microscopy and FLISA.